Spotlight on Union Church Millworks

Union Church Millworks is a third-generation family business that specializes in solid, unfinished hardwood flooring, paneling, stair parts and trim. They offer a wide inventory of standard products, as well as custom products and flooring to match the existing flooring in your home.
Their custom process starts in the forest by responsibly harvesting quality timber.
“My father owns/manages our harvesting crew and has a lifetime of training and experience. He searches for the perfect trees to make flooring out of and harvests them, keeping in mind wildlife activity, aesthetics and value, ” said Vice President Stephen Bennett.
“From there, they are moved to our sawmill, where my grandfather, whose first sawmill opened in 1984, manages turning the logs into lumber. In the mill, employees are trained to pick out lumber that makes great flooring and keeps all of the materials together to then be sent to the dry kilns where our process is slow and steady to stabilize the material. After the kilns, the lumber returns to us and we manufacture it into solid hardwood flooring, utilizing every piece of the lumber and merchandise to make our process efficient and cost effective. Our goal is to offer high quality products, great customer service and to create excitement and a sense of pride for the client when they see the final product installed in their home!”
·When asked what it means to continue his family business in the region and support our community, Stephen said, “Knowing that our family legacy will continue on gives me an incredible sense of pride and purpose. We are working with clients across the country that love to hear of our history and Alleghany Highlands community.”
Union Church Millworks has recently introduced a closeout closet that houses small lots of products leftover from high quality runs. The business is also in the process of creating a new showroom and experience in their warehouse for clients to experience. Very exciting!
Take a look at their beautiful work in these photos, and watch a video of their process.